If you’re feeling stressed, you’re not alone there days!
But learning and practicing the basic 12 Keys can make us feel more equal to our challenges and allow us to thrive on our worries.
Get the 12 Key Model of stress in various lengths from a ‘credit card’ to 20, 40, 150, 260 & 450 page books, workbooks, CDs, videos and workshops.
Stress costs about $2800 per employee per year in:
* Absenteeinsm
* Short Term Disability
* WSIB Claims
* Long Term Disability
* Reduced Productivity
StressWinner has:
Simple, practical Books, Booklets, CDs, Apps and Training for almost all occupations and all sizes and types of workplace.
Students face many challenges. The High School and College/University versions of the 12 Keys provide a memorable roadmap and many simple, practical tips.
Teachers are stressed too. By training in the 12 Keys, they can better enjoy their valuable careers, be more effective and even teach their students the basics, a little every day!
StressWinner has books & training specifically for most health practitioners. These equip readers & participants to help reduce their stress & start feeling better.
Whether it’s StressWinner’s 1-hour, half-day or 1-day program, workshop participants identify symptoms and sources of stress. The 12 Key Principles are explored using a stop/start model. Participants will leave with a personalized action plan to improve their mental and physical health.
The Stress and Lifestyle Resource - available in print and on CD - has 100 pages of handouts for clients on many topics related to stress and lifestyle change. Using these simple, practical and interactive tools can improve the effectiveness of personal interaction & the relationship between therapist & client