STOP THE STRESS of PARENTING TODDLERS and BEYONDOnce out of the baby stage, children become more and more fascinating and fun. They learn many things, one of which is how to drive a parent nuts! If a parent is stressed or depressed, it’s really hard to do a good job and to enjoy a small child. And having a very stressed parent can put a child at risk of physical or emotional harm , The Book has 2 main parts:PART 1. An outline of Basic Parenting Ideas including building a strong family structure. Here you’ll find:•BASIC PARENT STYLES, PARENT SKILLS •DISCIPLINE and CORRECTION tips•TEN BAD WAYS to get children to cooperate and FOUR BETTER WAYS•TEN THINGS TO DO WHEN A CHILD STRESSES YOU and HOW NOT TO HAVE A SPOILT CHILD. There are Sections on:•STARTING SCHOOL STRESS•BULLYING•'SIBLING RIVALRY'•TIME STRESS•...and much more.PART 2. THE TWELVE KEYS TO TAMING STRESS, Applied to Parent Issues, including:•Effective WORRYING•How to RELAX•ELEVEN Powerful ATTITUDES•THREE SKILLS for stress relief and increased enjoyment of life•Finding SUPPORT•Making permanent healthy CHANGESOnce you learn to use all the ideas regularly yourself, you can teach them to your kids and maybe your spouse too! The more a parent can stay equal to all the stresses in their life the more chance there is of being part of a truly ‘happy family!’