Chronic Pain - The Stress Factor
CHRONIC PAIN - THE STRESS FACTOR Are you in pain and feeling 'stressed-out'? If you are, don't feel ashamed - you're not alone! No-one likes pain! Normal pain is a gift that saves our lives, it protects us from damage, alerts us when something’s wrong. Without if we would rapidly damage our bodies and make them useless. But Chronic pain is different. Chronic pain hurts just as much as regular pain but it serves no function except to try to drive you nuts. It can make you miserable, depressed and anxious and take away almost all pleasure and hope from your lifeIt limits almost all activities and in many cases it can make you think of yourself as a sickly invalid - not the healthy person you used to be. The stress of dealing with chronic pain can send your life into a downward spiral of misery that can destroy both health and relationships. In the worst cases a person may become so depressed that they consider suicide. WHAT'S THE CONNECTION? Obviously chronic pain causes stress, but does stress cause chronic pain? In some cases, yes. Anxiety and depression often exist along with pain, and when they are treated there is improvement in pain and function This book is in two parts. First, there’s an explanation of chronic pain, why it exists amd how it might be treated. Then there’s a section on stress and its cousin depression and how this might influence pain . We may have limited treatments for pain, but we have many, many ways of reducing the burden of stress and depression. This book is designed so that you can read all the way through or just dip in at parts that interest you. And the listed resources encourage you to learn more in the areas that will help you the most. You start by: UNDERSTANDING what CHRONIC PAIN is, how ir happens and how it can be MANAGED UNDERSTANDING stress symptoms* TAKING CHARGE of your stress levels* WORRYING Effectively. Identifying your sources of stress - is it just the pain, work. money, family, or something else? USING effective PROBLEM-SOLVING and DECISION-MAKING Then you'll learn: To RELAX - Deeply and Quickly and use Powerful MENTAL IMAGERY techniques to help you make the changes you want and even take more control of the pain FOUR HABITS for better Health & Energy ELEVEN Powerful ATTITUDES THREE SKILLS for stress relief and increased enjoyment of life Identify painful EMOTIONS and HABITS that create inner stress Find SUPPORT including support from your DOCTORS Take BREAKS that really help Take charge of personal HAPPINESS Make permanent healthy CHANGES Reviews: ......The language is basic and straight forward.... excellent use of humour"  Cathy MacLean, B.Sc. M.D. C.C.F.P. "The ideas are practical, the writing clear and to the point....." Peter Chalvardjian, M.D.
  Book           $12.95        
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